Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More of the same....

Well the training is going well. Looking back over my short-term goals:

1. Train in each discipline (swim, bike, run, strength) at least once a week
2. Update blog once a week
3. Take B-vitamins and Omega 3 oils daily

I have been doing well and have managed to train in each discipline at least once a week. My run today felt really good and I feel like I am progressing. Due to the bad weather (icy roads) I haven't been able to do my run on Saturday for the past couple of weeks but this is only a minor setback as I am making good progress in my sessions on the Treadmill. I am also getting in two days of strength training which I have been combining with my knee / ankle rehab.

The bike fund now stands at €225 and I have been debating whether to risk €50 playing online poker to try and double (or treble) my money. I've been playing a lot lately and have been doing resonably well in small stakes tournaments so it could be worth the risk to try and beef up the fund.

I also ordered a book on Triathlon Training from amazon:


This looks really good and is described as a "coach yourself" manual which is perfect for my needs right now.

I also made some enquiries to the Meath Triathlon Club about training but it appears as though they are not training during the winter so I will look to hook up with them in the spring once I've built up my base fitness.


That's all for now.........

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