Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year, new me........

Well a belated Happy New Year to all!!!

Unfortunately I have been ill with Bronchitis for a couple of weeks so it has taken a toll on my training however my bike arrived and I managed to test it out over the weekend on a couple of (very) short rides. I'm looking forward to a 10k ride on Saturday to fully test out the capabilities of both myself and the bike!! I'll also be back in the pool on Sunday to see how the couple of weeks off has affected my swimming.

I spent a bit of time revewing the race calendar on the Triathlon Ireland website and have picked out the following as a provisonal race listing for me for the next 4 months:

15 March; Duathlon, Naas
5th April; Bupa 10k, Dublin
6th May; Duathlon, Dublin
30th May; Sprint Triathlon (Tri-Athy), Kildare (

A couple of short distance (3.2k run, 20k bike, 3.2k run) duathlons broken up by a 10k run leading up to my first triathlon and giving me 17 weeks in total to prepare. The May date also means that hopefully the swim (which takes place in a river) won't be too cold!!!

If all goes to plan 2009 is going to be a great year for me both personally and professionally. On a personal note I'm hoping to acheive my twin goals of completing a sprint triathlon and getting a 'six pack', I'm also looking forward to re-decorating my house and trying to win big in online poker after studying and absorbing the three volume Harrington on Hold 'em as well as David Sklansky's Theory of Poker.

On a professional note I am hoping to commence studying to become a Personal Trainer with ACE which can be completed by home-study. I am also in the process of setting up an online retail store, initially on E-Bay but eventually with a stand alone website. I hope that this will eventually become my full-time carreer and will enable me to do the majority of my work from home. This will enable me to spend more time with my Family. Speaking of which, my wife and I will be adding another member to our brood come August so more to look forward to!!

This also means that I'm going to have to try and complete any races that I plan on doing by then as once the baby arrives my available training (and racing) time will be reduced.

I will be updating the blog more regularly from now on as my training moves into high gear.

Bye bye for now.....

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