Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Journey Continues....

Well a week has gone by and the training has continued. I was in the pool on Sunday and for the final 10 minutes of my swim I had the whole pool to myself!!! This was primarily due to the extreme weather (-4 degrees and icy roads - extreme for Ireland) but I braved the conditions and managed to get in an interval workout that consisted of a 50m warm-up and then 6 x 25m sprints. I then switched from freestyle to breaststroke and did 2 x 75m just to build up the distance. I've been swimming every Sunday for the last 3 weeks now so I feel like I'm finally getting into a rhythm.

As for the bike, due to the 'credit crunch' I am currently trying to come up with the €500 necessary to purchase a new road bike. Stage 1 was three weeks ago when I won €50 playing poker with a few mates. Today I sold my Sony PSP (which I bought for the commute from Kells to Dublin but wasn't using) for €150 so at the moment my 'bike fund' stands at €200. Hopefully Santa will be good to me and the remaining balance will be mine just in time for the sales.

Ah the run, this could be where I am undone. I have been (fairly) sporty all my life and have played soccer since I was a kid but when I got married and started a family my only sporting outlet was my irregular trips to the gym. In January 2007 I decided to train for and participate in the Bupa 10K Run in Dublin in April of that year.


My training was haphazard at best and I only managed to run 5k before I had to start walking then running then walking again until I reached the finish in 1hr 20m. I was not happy with this time and resolved to train more and compete again the following year. To aid this I decided to go back playing soccer and signed for a local team in Meath. Things were going well and I was starting to get fit when disaster struck and I ruptured my anterior cruciate ligament (acl) in October. After a lot of Physio and keyhole surgery I'm finally back running but am really struggling with my Achilles tendons. The physio has given me wedges to wear in my runners as I am overpronating so hopefully these will help. Ran today and didn't feel to bad so here's hoping!!!

Until next time......

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