Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let's get it started.....

Well I've finally decided to take the jump and do a race. The race I've chosen is the Try-a-tri Athlone:


For a beginner this looks perfect, a 200m swim, a 20k bike ride and a 5k run which should ease my entry into the world of triathlon. The race takes place on July 18th 2009 which gives me approx 15 weeks of training. Considering that I could easily swim 200m, am regularly cycling 10K and would feel that a 5k run is well within my ability it looks like one I couldn't say no to!!

So now that I've chosen a race my training will have much more of a focus. My swim training will be much more about speed over 200m rather than distance, my cycling will be initially building up to 20k and then working on endurance while my running will all be focused towards dropping my 5k time. After the first couple of weeks I will introduce "brick" workouts e.g cycle followed by a run and towards the end of my training I will add a couple of transition practice runs.

Now that the date is set I feel excited and motivated for what is to come and the brighter evenings and better weather will only help to fuel my motivation for training.

Till next time.....

Monday, April 6, 2009

It's been a while......

Well it certainly has. Things just have a way of catching up with you and after a period of consistency it all fell apart again. Goal setting is all well and good but you need to be able to look out for the bumps and turns in the road as well.

After a period of extreme boredom in work it all kicked off and lead me to be as busy as I've ever been. This caused me to be unable to fulfil my goal of updating the blog once a week. A couple of bad training weeks have seen me unable to fulfil my goal of training in each discipline once a week. To be honest I've also been poor at drinking more water and taking the Omega 3 oils. Only the daily dose of B-Vitamins has been a constant in these turbulent times. These setbacks have only served to make me more determined than ever to get back to doing what needs to be done i.e. training.

I've been looking at my diet over the past couple of days and have come to the conclusion that it is not helping my progress. To that end I have decided to cut out the crap in my diet and implement a new eating regime based around whole foods, fruits, vegetables and lean meats. I will try to supplement with protein shakes where possible to ensure that I'm taking in enough protein (especially on training days). As a reward I will allow myself a cheat meal on Sunday. I once read an article in which the England Rugby squad were given a 90-10 regime in which 90% of what they ate (and drank) had to be healthy with the remaining 10% for treats. This seems perfectly reasonable to me and may be something I will look at in the coming weeks however to start with I will stick to one cheat meal a week.

With the warmer weather and brighter evenings moving in it will soon be time to bid the gym farewell and get outside for the running training. This should prove to be a nice distraction for me following my working day and commute and hopefully as I get fitter it will be something I will look forward to rather than dread!!

See you again real soon.