Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Same ol' same old....

Well a combination of (more) illness and ridiculously bad weather have combined to knock my training off kilter once again. It's frustrating as every time I think things are going well something knocks me back. Whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger though so I'm just going to get back on the horse (or the bike) and keep plugging away. At this stage in my training consistency is the watch-word however I will be looking to introduce a bit of quality in the not to distant future.

I am introducing a phased approach to my training leading up to this summer's race season. My initial goal was to complete one triathlon and get the six pack I've been longing for however I feel that this may not be enough. Although it's still early in the year I feel like I will have to commit to an event soon and once I have registered and paid for it it will become more real. I'm also thinking that I may manage to compete in more than one event.

Sports wise my training is coming along nicely in both cycling and swimming, I have been neglecting the strength training however this is something I will resolve today. My weakest area is the running. I was a sprinter in my youth and the idea of running long distances goes against my build however I think I just need to log the miles for now and try to get some consistency in my training and hopefully I'll soon be doing 10k runs for fun!!!

My new short-term goals are:

1. Train in each discipline (swim, bike, run, strength) at least once a week but add in an extra run to bring up my weakest event.
2. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
3. Take B-vitamins and Omega 3 daily
4. Decide on final list of events for this season
5. Attend at least one training session with Tri an Mhi
6. Update blog weekly

That's it for now. Until next time.....